07 February 2011


These are both incredible. Jamie Welch aka Seams, recorded his most recent EP "Tourists" while working and living in Berlin. Beyond that I know little information about this new producer. I got this bit of info from fellow music blog "hot cakes."
  • It was inspired by the outdoor living of the city in the summer, and how much music was intrinsically linked to daily life. I spent much of my time in Berlin recording the sounds of the city with a tape recorder and my phone, and based each track on these recordings, attempting to recreate the feeling of being there.
While I'm not the first to say it, his sound reminds me a lot of Four Tet and Pantha Du Prince. Make sure to play them on a good sound system (naturally). Have a lovely lovely day.


Nachtmusik by seams

Hung Markets by seams


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