05 May 2011

[preview] Thievery Corporation @ The Sugar Mill

Rest up for Saturday evening, because New Orleans is truly in for something special. Thievery Corporation is in town to play a live set at The Sugar Mill. I've never been to The Sugar Mill, as it seems like concert events there are rare, but from their website I can tell the venue is massive. And its got a big courtyard. Beyond that, I got nothing for you. I can tell you this though: Thievery Corporation is not to be missed.

Beginning as a production duo, Rob Garza and Eric Hilton expanded their sound by inviting a large array of musicians and singers to accompany them on stage. Large percussion set ups, sitars, and many guests vocalists make every show a truly remarkable experience. The sound is reminiscent of world music (specifically Middle Eastern) with an electronic/jammy twist. When the act tours, they generally don't play too many shows, so this is a unique opportunity to jump on. I feel like most of our readers have heard of Thievery Corporation already, but if you haven't, I have added a track below.

Opening for Thievery are The Hot 8 Brass Band and Toubab Krewe. Hot 8 needs no further explanation for those of us living in New Orleans. There are a bunch of guys with horns playing brass music. Toubab Krewe on the other hand, is certainly worth talking about. Their sound is reminiscent of African music, specifically that of Mali. On stage they not only play traditional instruments, but a kora (21-string harp-lute), kamelengoni (12-string harp-lute), soku (Malian horsehair fiddle), and African percussion. The jammy beats are unique and sure to bring the energy to an all time high before Thievery takes the stage. Be sure to give the Toubab video below a quick watch.

To purchase tickets click here.

Hope to see everyone on the dance floor!
Lots of love,



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