Tomorrow night, at the Louisiana Humanities Center, the People Say project will have it's debut event with Alex McMurray and Truth Universal. The event, which will begin at 5:00 p.m. sharp, is free and open to the public, and will offer free complimentary Abita Beer, pizza from Slice, and cupcakes from Cupcake Fairies. Below I have included the mission of this project, which can be found in the About section over at THEPEOPLESAYPROJECT.ORG. Hope some of you can make it out there to help get this thing started proper.
"An ongoing series of live events at the Louisiana Humanities Center, the People Say Project will convene artists to discuss the ways in which they earn a living in the city. While the concept of “cultural economy” serves as a touchstone in discussions of the future of New Orleans and Louisiana, the dialogue around the actual workings of the industry remains two-dimensional, focused on tax incentives and the tourist market. The People Say conversations will feature the beneficiaries and catalysts of this industry, exploring the shifting rules of engagement for culture bearers and presenters earning a living and creating new work and infrastructure.
In choosing artists to feature, the People Say Project seeks to bridge different cultures and backgrounds within each art form, bringing together diverse participants to share their experiences and values. Through a partnership with Loyola University, the Project will present video of these discussions, along with original articles, online forums, and archival material, at With this digital component, we hope to keep the conversation going as we explore the intersections of culture and commerce."
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